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Amazing places you can visit and enjoy

So many places to go

Within a short distance of Le Moulin, there are some truly amazing places to visit and explore… from an immersive theme park taking you through French history and twice voted the best such experience in the world, to the quiet canals of the ‘Green Venice’, or to towns and  villages steeped in history and ancient crafts and to some of the finest stained glass you will find in France.

There are so many natural beauty spots where you can  soak up the peace and nature of the countryside you’ll run out of time to visit them all.. 

Mingle with the French housewives as they haggle for fresh produce at the local farmers’ markets, and see the new baguette machines springing up all over the countryside to feed the French desire for daily fresh bread.  We’ve even found a pizza machine on our travels.

Beautiful stained glass
Ancient streets still lived in today
Vast networks of canals to be explored on foot, cycle or by boat
Walk the grounds at Le Moulin or get involved in our growing environmentally-friendly sustainable farming.
Take time to chill in the crystal clear waters of our pool